









北山一位叫愚公的人,年纪将近九十岁,面对着山居住。(他)苦于大山北面堵塞交 通,出来进去(都要)绕路,就集合全家来商量说:“我跟你们尽全力铲除险峻的大山,(使道路)一直通向豫州的南部,在汉水南岸到达,可以吗?”(大家)纷纷表示赞成。他的妻子提出疑问说:“凭借您的力量,连魁父这座小山都不能铲平,又能把太行、王屋这两座山怎么样呢?况且把土石放到哪里去呢?”众人纷纷说:“把它扔到渤海的边上去,隐土的北面。”于是(愚公)率领(能)挑担子的三个人(上了山),凿石开垦土地,用箕畚装了(土石)运到渤海的边上,邻居姓京城的寡妇 有个孤儿,才刚刚换牙,也跳跳蹦蹦前去帮助他们。冬夏换季,(他)才往返一次。

河湾上的一位聪明的老者讥笑愚公并制止他(干这件事),说:“你太不聪明了!就凭你衰残的年龄和剩下的力量,连山上的一棵草都不能毁掉,又能把泥土、石头怎么样呢?”北山愚公长叹说:“你思想顽固,顽固到了不可改变的地步,连孤儿寡妇 都比不上。即使我死了,我有儿子在;儿子又生孙子,孙子又生儿子;儿子又有儿子,儿子又有孙子;子子孙孙没有穷尽,然而山却不会增加高度,何愁挖不平?”河湾上的智老头没有话来回答。


英语翻译: Do difficult things by an old person

Taihang, Wong ( the ) two mountain, covering an area of seven hundred, seven thousand or eight thousand cubits high, originally on the south side of Jizhou, the Yellow River, north of the North shore. North of the foolish old man, nearly 90 years of age, facing the mountains to live. He suffers from the mountainous areas in the northern part of obstruction, in ( to ) bypass, called the family to discuss said:" I told you to dig the precipitous mountain, the road leads to the Yuzhou south, arrived at the South Bank of the Han River, can?" We have agreed. His wife put forward doubt to say:" with your strength, even his father the hill and plain, and can Taihang, Wangwu how these two mountain? Besides the earth where?" People have said:" throw it to the edge of the Bohai sea, north of the hidden soil." And the foolish old man led the children can Tiaodan three men went up into the mountain, to cut the stone for digging, basket-ji transported to the edge of the Bohai. Neighbor widow named the capital, an orphan, just seven or eight years old, bounce to help him. Summer and winter season, from a can. A bend in the river on the wise old man laughed at the foolish old man, to prevent him from doing this, said:" you're too smart! With your remaining years and the remaining strength, a blade of grass on the mountain can not move, and can the soil, stone how?" "Yugong heaved a long sigh said:" you thought stubborn, stubborn to the point can not be changed, even the orphans and widows are not. Even I dead, there son; son and grandson, grandson and son; son of another son, son and grandson generation after generation of descendants; inexhaustible, but mountains never increase increase, worry about what dug injustice?" Hequ is a wise old man nothing to answer. Yamagami heard about this matter, afraid of his endless digging down to the emperor of heaven, report. The foolish old man moved by the sincere, ordered Hercules boast e's two sons went back the two mountain, a place in the North East, a seat placed in the south of Yong Zhou. From then on, the south of Jizhou to the South Bank of the Han River, no mountains.
